Leela’ Birth Story

This was written in September 2015.
We were just getting to the hospital. That night, my husband was working the graveyard shift and I called him around 2:30am to come home. I wonder about the emotions running though his mind on the drive to see me.
I spent most of my labor watching movies! Yes, guilty… I was watching the “Titanic”. I figured if I have to endure this for a while might as well be entertained. Ha. When my husband arrived, I was just finishing up packing my belongings. I knew I was in labor, but in my mind, I remember the nurse from one of my appointments saying that if for any reason we wanted to come in early and just check to see if I was dilated enough to get checked in to take advantage of it.
The drive to the hospital made me realize this was our last drive as a couple! Our lives would change forever! It was so joyful and full of anticipation. I kept telling him, I think that I definitely am in labor but let’s just go to the hospital to make sure. Ha, good stuff. When we arrived at the hospital the nurse check me to see how dilated I was. I remember just enduring the pain thinking, “When I actually have her, the pain will be so much more this, yeah this is nothing.” Preparing myself for more… I was really starting to feel some pain, enduring so much and was beginning to feel uncomfortable. She check me and I was 8 centimeters dilated! “Wow, wow, wait, what? Isn’t that the transitional phase to shift from active labor to the final phase aka delivery?!”
They immediately got me a room, broke my water after a hour and she was here by 5:47am. I didn’t rip, and she came out naturally. The doctors placed her on my chest, and she wasn’t breathing normally. I couldn’t see her little face yet, before they grabbed her to try and regulate her breathing. They tried once more with kangaroo care, I saw her face for just a moment as they needed to hook her up to oxygen, and my little angel was so beautiful! I just wanted to hold my baby. Turns out I didn’t end up seeing her for 2 hours. My husband was along her side and got to be with her. When I finally was able to see her, I had to walk to the nursery and the moment I saw her I wanted to cry. She was sooo beautiful with theses wires on her, but just so happy that she was okay. I just want you to know that I love you so much. Your little personality is shining though and you really are a happy baby. You are making everything so exciting and I love all your little motions. You love being held upside-down. And seem to be obsessed with the downward dog yoga pose. You love to shake your head no, of course. You can sign: please & eat. You say Hi, bye, momma, dadda, baaa, baba, turtle, blue, moo, and baby. You love your little purple lamby and your rabbit with long ears. You love to clap your hands, and already are a major escape artist. You can bounce up and down like tigger and have a liking for the piano! Today you showed a lady at the store a genuine smile for the first time with your teeth, and its such an adorable little smile. This year is going to be so much better in Jesus name! More love, more joy, more adventures, and full of life! I hope you have an amazing birthday, especially this weekend. I love you Leela. You are my miracle, and you saved your Mom’s life.<3

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